I'm such a lazy person.
I take forever to write my posts.
So they pile up....waiting to be written.
Anyways- let's just fast forward to this (or last) weekend!
Friday marked the end of Year 11- no more exams, homework stress etc. etc.
at least for another two weeks. So we had a party! And dinner.
And since this is a food blog, this is obviously about the dinner!

We arrived at Sushi Bay at around 6pm after watching a movie. It was still slightly bright outside (thanks to daylight savings) and kinda early so when we went in, we were the first ones there.
The prices range from $2.50 to $7 so we tried to make sure that we didn't accidently eat too much- it's easy to go overbudget!

Spring Rolls
The hot dishes were very attractive as they were actually hot-the plastic covers were all covered in steam. The spring roll was golden and crunchy- I made quite a mess when I halved them- the pastry flew everywhere!
Chicken Katsu and avocado sushi
Another fried dish. The mayo on the top of the sushi was cute!
Okay. So I didn't actually eat this.
Shredded seafood stick sushi
This sushi was filled with shredded seafood stick. It tasted nice but not the most interesting choice of the night.
Tuna and avocado and salmon roll
I'm not sure why this one is a funny shape.... or why there's a slice of orange between the sushi. But any sushi with tuna, avocado and sushi has to taste good!
Inside Out roll with chicken katsu
Again, the fried chicken was hot and crunchy. The roll would have tasted great (especially with the seasame seeds) except that the chicken was too salty
Salmon Maki Rolls
I don't think it's possible for Salmon Maki rolls to taste bad....they always taste the same! I'm not really a fan of these but they're cute and easy to share!
One of the problems with eating at sushi trains is that you don't always know what everything is. I'm pretty sure this was some sort of raw fish with mayo on top and sauce (on the bottom??).
I had no idea what this was- sushi with prawn inside and covered with green stuff (I think it was seaweed). It was a more relatively intersting dish but didn't taste as interesting as it looked. It came with a sauce too but it tasted fine without it (I was too lazy to dip it in the sauce....)
I also have no idea what this was - some kind of minced fish (maybe?) with sauce. Whatever it was, it's so delicious, we take another dish.
Overall, we spent $48 for 7 people. It wasn't too expensive but certainly more than the Japanese restaraunts I usually go to at Eastwood. We probably could have eaten more, but we had to make sure that we had enough space in our stomachs for a midnight feast! (junkfood of course!)
Sushi Bay
Westpoint Shopping Centre
Shop 4002, Patrick Street
Blacktown NSW 2148