Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Silly Goat, Broken Hill

The Silly Goat is a curious name for a cafe, but it makes a little more sense when you take a seat a see the book. Not that it tells you much more about why the cafe was named so, but at least it doesn't sound so random anymore! ;)

I'm in Broken Hill for a 6 week placement for uni, so we thought we'd put the weekend to good use an explore the town. The original plan was to visit the markets, but it got rained out and closed early, so we stopped by The Silly Goat, one of the town's most popular cafes, for brunch instead.

Hot Chocolate (S$3.8)

Located on Argent street, the main strip of the town, it's probably the busiest cafe that we walk past. It's a quirky little cafe on the Saturday we visit- there's no table service, so attempt to squeeze yourself into the few tables they have, then order and pay at the counter (and not the other way around either!). 

From what we've heard, the coffee is pretty good, and the sheer number of coffee books and magazines available for reading indicates that they're pretty serious about their coffee too. Not being much of a coffee drinker myself, I went for the hot chocolate instead, which is also quite nice- it's dairy free, though I couldn't really taste what kind of milk they used instead.

Smashed Avocado on Toast ($13.5)

The menu isn't overly extensive or fancy- just a few simple classics which are done well. I usually tend to go for something more exciting, but we'd been recommended the smashed avocado on toast, so I had no problem deciding what I wanted.

I quite liked the presentation of the dish, the eggs were poached beautifully, and the touch of pesto on the side was a delicious addition to this classic breakfast dish. 

 Benny & The Eggs (aka Eggs Benedict)

They also have a specials board from which we chose the 'Benny and The Eggs' option, which we then realised was an eggs benedict. Their spin on this dish uses crispy kale instead of the usual spinach, as well as pan fried pancetta instead of bacon (though it tasted just like regular bacon!).

It seems quite popular with the locals, with the crowd not dying down even during the later hours- but then again, it closes at 2pm on Saturdays, just like the rest of the shops in town!

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  1. A really interesting name for a cafe.
    Love that smashed avocado toast!

  2. Hi Von, I have toast with smashed avocado at home a couple of times a week, love it! Looks like a really cute place......

  3. I'm in love with the avocado toast. Quite a hearty portion and the ambiance of the cafe is lovely. Meanwhile enjoy your uni replacement. A good experience to face the real world of working.

  4. Yupp, funny names for a cafe, but who cares???
    i guess the delicious food they served it's all matter, but actually the name is quite fancy and interesting for me....
    Dedy@Dentist Chef

  5. Hi Von
    Thank for your review on The Silly Goat.
    The name is actually a bit of a family joke. The cafe is owned by my mum Leone, and all three of her children ( Gideon, Taylea and my self Emily) manage it as a family. We like to think of our family as a really silly bunch. We have good sense of humours and tend to act very outspoken and free spirited. When I was young I liked to climb mountains with my dad and he used to call me a little goat. Also I'm a Capricorn and my mum used to bring that up a lot when I was young as well.
    Like I said it's a family thing. Besides that, I love the free spiritedness of Goats and they are everywhere in the outback. So I thought it quite suited


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