Monday, June 29, 2015

Breakfast Bake

Breakfast Baked Eggs

Getting out of bed isn't an easy thing for me, but if there's one thing that will get me up, it's breakfast!

We're not huge breakfast people in our hoursehold- it's usually a rotation between our standard 'Western Breakfast' (i.e. your typical big brekkie- eggs, bacon, baked beans etc) and our 'Asian breakfasts' (i.e. noodles of some sort). But any kind of food is enough reason for me to get out of bed ;)

Breakfast Baked Eggs

Ever since we tried the baked breakfast at our local cafe, we've been inspired to make this version of baked eggs- it's sort of like the big breakfast all combined into one bake. I've combined some baked eggs recipes and some baked beans recipes and chucked in a couple of extras like mushrooms and sausages- and the end result is delicious!

It does take a while to make, since it requires time to prep all the veggies and more time to cook. It does mean waking up about an hour or so earlier, but it's definitely worth it!

Breakfast Bake Recipe
makes 4 large serves

2 Tbs olive oil
4 sausages
1 red onion
3 garlic cloves
1 can chopped tomatoes
3 fresh tomatoes, cubed
400g baked beans
4Tbs BBQ sauce
4Tbs brown sugar
1Tbs Dijon Mustard
2Tbs tomato paste
4 eggs
200g baby spinach
Olive oil, extra
Toast (optional)

1. Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a large frying pan and cook the sausages over medium heat for 10 mins until well browned and cooked through. Transfer to plate and cut into small pieces.
2. Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan that has a lid, then soften the onions and garlic for 5 mins until soft. Stir in the tomatoes, beans and sauces then bubble for 8-10 mins until thick
3. Transfer mixture into 4 ovenproof dishes. Crack an egg into each dish. Bake in an oven preheated to 180degC for 16 to 18 minutes or until eggwhite is just set. Remove from oven. Stand for 2 minutes.
4. Toss baby spinach with a drizzle of olive oil until just coated. Serve baked eggs with baby spinach and toast.


  1. Sad to say I'm one of those who give excuses not to have breakfast. Perhaps brunch on weekends only. Also no more getting up early as I now work from home. So let me enjoy this breakfast set for brunch. Yum, yum.

  2. I am the one who needs 2 breakfasts! This looks scrumptious!

  3. Hi Von, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, love this!!

  4. Hi Von,your baked breakfast look very scrumptious. Great ideas, thanks for sharing. I'm a breakfast person, do or die must take before 9am. :))

    Have a fabulous weekend, regards.

  5. I love how eggs are such an integral part of so many good breakfasts! Yours look great. I'm not a morning person either - would be much more likely to make this for brunch. lol

  6. nothing better way to starting a day with...
    Dedy@Dentist Chef

  7. I can totally see me eating this, I love this kind of breakfast I would just need to swap out the sausages for veggie sausages :D and I'd be good to go.


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