Thursday, July 30, 2015

Charlotte's at the Grand, Broken Hill

We've been busy the past few Sundays either lazing about at home or going out for short trips out of town, so we hadn't had a chance to explore Broken Hill on Sunday. Not that there's anything exciting- we already knew it, but the town is ridiculously quiet on a Sunday morning, with every shop on the main street shut except for two cafes, the newsagents and a couple of small stores.

And we thought Saturday was quiet!

Mocha ($5)

We've ridden past this cafe a couple of times and it always seems quite busy so when we notice that it's actually open on Sunday, we were excited to give it a try. Located just under the Grand Guest House, Charlotte's is a small corner cafe though there's also seating (with blankets provided!) outside.

Order at the counter, pick yourself a seat and food will be coming out in no time. We take a seat by the window, watching a few cars go past every once in a while. It really is a quiet town!

The mocha was great for warming me up in this cold winter weather, and it comes with a mars bar too! It was a little on the bland side, not quite chocolatey enough for my liking, as is the hot chocolate that my friend orders.

Chicken Schnitzel Burger ($11)

We love that the wait staff are very honest when we ask them what they think of some dishes so I don't hesitate to order the chicken schnitzel burger under their recommendation. I'm surprised that it comes in a roll rather than a burger bun.

I can't say I was too fond of the plastic cheese in the burger, but it is a tasty roll, with a crispy chicken schnitzel filling, a nice balance of tomato, onion, salad and a good squeeze of barbecue sauce and mayo. And it's a pretty filling serving size too!

Lasagne with salad ($15)

My friend's order of lasagne was not so exciting. The slice of lasagne was tasty though not amazing, and the side salad of grated carrot and onion left much to be desired.

Overall, we're not super impressed by the food but the cafe is quite nice, and the staff are friendly- and I wouldn't mind returning to try their scones and cakes that everyone else seemed to be having!

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  1. I would like the mocha though the rest as you know not my kind of food. But sure, getting out and relaxing over a meal with friend surely is pleasurable.

  2. Hi Von, sounds like a quaint little place, so nice you had a chance to explore a little.

  3. Free Mars Bar with your hot chocolate sounds like win. Shame that the drink itself wasn't very chocolatey though!


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