Thursday, June 12, 2014

Disney Cakes and Sweets Magazine| Bullseye's best-ever brownies

I'm quite big fan of Disney, so when I was contacted to try out the Disney Cakes and Sweets Magazine, I was only too eager to say yes!

Disney Cakes and Sweets Magazine is a weekly publication, a short magazine packed with various Disney themed sweet treats, featuring just about every Disney film you could think of, and comes with a variety of cake decorating tools with each issue! I was lucky enough to be sent the first three issues of the magazine, which came with these adorable Mickey and Minnie mouse cookie cutters, which until I find time to make cookies, will suffice as bread cutters for my Minnie mouse sandwiches haha :)

Chocolate Brownies

My favourite Disney movie of all time (although I don't really consider is Disney), is definitely Toy Story, so it was definitely fitting that one of the first recipes I wanted to make (other than the super awesome Princess cake, which unfortunately, I didn't have the time to make) were these 'Bullseye's best-ever brownies'......although there isn't really much of a relationship between Bullseye and these brownies (other than the colour and the fact that they both start with the letter b?)

Chocolate Brownies

 The recipe is really simple and quick, and yields really great brownies! I tend to like my brownies more cakey than fudgey so these were perfect for me, although mine turned out so because I baked them for a bit longer than the recommended time. I blame my temperamental oven for the lack of the beautiful cracked top I like on brownies, and the fact that the top is a little burnt (they weren't actually as burnt as they appear in the photos!), but they were awesome brownies all the same and gone in no time!
Bullseye's best-ever brownies
Recipe from Disney Cakes and Sweets Magazine Vol 1
Makes ~12 brownies

200g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing (I reduced this to 150g)
200g dark chocolate
3 eggs
300g caster sugar
1tsp vanilla extract
125g plain flour
1/4tsp salt
75g walnuts or hazelnuts, chopped (I omitted this)
125 raspberries of blueberries (I omitted this)

1. Preheat the oven to 180degC. Grease baking a baking tin (30cm x 20cm) and line with baking parchment. Break chocolate into small pieces and melt it with butter in a bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water.
2. Put eggs, sugar, vanilla in a bowl and whisk together until thick and creamy, Stir in the melted chocolate mixture and sift in the flour, salt and add the nuts. Fold in the berries carefully so that the fruit does not break up much.
3. Scrape the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for about 25 minutes. The top should be cracked but the inside should have a fudgy texture. Start to test around 20 minutes as all ovens vary; use a cocktail stick or skewer and insert it in the centre (a few moist crumbs should adhere to the stick/skewer when the brownies are done). Leave to cool in a tin or pan for 20 min before cutting into squares. Store, wrapped in baking parchment, in an airtight tin.


  1. Looks like a fun magazine and these brownies looks certainly delicious!

    ela h.
    Gray Apron

  2. I am also a Disney fan and my most fav disney animated films have to be Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Mulan, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Pocahontas! So many favs ;)!!

  3. Nice post. Thanks for pointing that out. I also want to share something that monginis provide disney cakes online in India.


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