Monday, December 12, 2011

Chocolate Macarons

Vondelicious has moved to
You can find this post (and more!) over at my new home:


Is there ever a time when time doesn't pass faster than it seems?

It's been a almost a month since my holidays started. A whole month.

I know I always say time passes too quickly, but I can't help it when I look at the calendar and it's been another month but there's still about 10 things that I was meant to do that month which I didn't even get time to think about (for instance, blogging more than twice a month?).

Before I know it, it'll be Christmas!


I feel like I should be doing more in preparation for Christmas since it's my favourite time of the year- like listening to more Christmas songs, starting to make Christmas themed foods or going to more Christmas events. Instead, I'm spending my holidays doing what I normally do- going out with friends, baking (and blogging), watching TV and just relaxing. It's quite busy actually!

Ever since the beginning of the holidays, there has not been a day when there has not been a bowl of left over egg whites, yolks or cream in the fridge. I'll admit that I do tend to leave stuff in the fridge for longer than they should be in there (I don't bake that much) but I am baking a bit more than usual, in hopes of catching up on my lack of baking this year and to get through my list of 'to try' recipes.

Like most bloggers, I usually attempt a recipe only once or twice, not because they don't turn out great, but because I simply don't have enough time, nor the stomach space, to try all the new recipes I want to and to make things over and over again. Macarons are something I've only attempted once, but they don't completely fit in this category because the reason I haven't made them again is not because I had other things to make, but rather, out of laziness (of having to age the egg whites and making almond meal) and fear of failure.

If anyone has been following my blog for long enough, you may remember that the last (and first) time I made macarons was a whole two years ago, when I first started this blog- a rather surprisingly successful attempt too, which I have always considered a fluke. I didn't know what a macaron really was or how it was supposed to taste, so I had my second surprise when my sister bought me a macaron and we found it tasted exactly the same as the ones I'd made!


I'd expected my second attempt to be a failure, so I was surprised again, as they actually turned out macaron looking- I'm thinking it's more because of the recipe than my 'skills' ;) They're far from perfect though, especially since they're lumpy and not nice and round, due to my lack of piping bag and piping tip. But they still tasted great though, which is, of course, the most important thing!

Find the recipe on my new site here:


  1. I'm still nervous to make macarons!

  2. These are magical; wish I could make these; but I have a feeling they would not turn out a beautiful as yours. Congratulations on writing your little note; better go chcken out my blog.

  3. Oh! Your macs look great...I still have to get the courage to try to make them...
    Hope you have a fantastic week ahead Von :-)

  4. I tried chocolate macarons three times and failed, but my raspberry ones turned out fine, so great job Von these look fantastic. Perhaps I'll give your recipe a shot instead.

  5. Your macarons are very impressive and I love how you have presented them. I have tried making macarons and I don't know where I'm going wrong but I can't get mine to look as good as yours. Good luck getting everything done for Christmas. I'm running a bit behind myself.

  6. Chocolate are my fave - simple, delicious! Awesome second attempt :) you're a pro ;)

  7. The Chocolate Macaroons look perfect! I am a novice in baking cookies and macaroons and after your feedback on this recipe I guess I need to give it a try. thanks for sharing.

  8. I so like macarons!!! Thank you!

  9. I am totally scared of making I need to try this apparently foolproof recipe! Those look delicious!

  10. I Love Macarons. they are my favourites.

  11. I'd love to see a cross section of these. I actually went to pastry school and while I have successfully made macarons on numerous occasions I have yet to make the perfect macaron. I think you're right that it isn't hard to make them but to make them perfect is near impossible. Thus far only Pierre Herme has done that (in my opinion) These look wonderful though! A great job for only a second attempt. And don't give the recipe all the credit, with macarons technique is just as important. We also learned to tap the tray on a counter or with our hand to smooth the tops perfectly.

  12. They look amazing!! The months are going wayyy to fast!! Very true I sometimes make a recipe three times before it even hits my blog, lol!!

  13. You are right, there's just too many recipes to try out! I made macarons once successfully and never made any since :P

  14. your macarons look amazing! wish i could taste them! :)

  15. I've been very eager to try macarons for a long time. Yours look so beautiful and delicious… I need to try making them myself!

  16. Your macs look fantastic.

    I agree with you on trying a recipe once or twice then moving on. Though we do have a few family faves that keep in rotation.

  17. hi von, i'm like you too..busy watching tv, busy having lunch and dinner with friends and ended up not doing things like bathing my dogs, organise my wardrobe, etc :) i think your macarons look great, even though you've not been making them for so long.

  18. Beautiful chocolate macarons. They are perfect for this festive season.

  19. Von, you lucky lucky. Successful with macs both time! Poor me, sometime can, sometime cannot! Nope, I won't give up, I will still make them:D I should try your recipe the next time.

  20. These are something I am yet to master. I will use your recipe the next time I attempt them as these look fabbo!

  21. first time in your r perfectly done.....I'm surely going to try it 4 my family...bookmarking it :-) glad to follow ur space here :-)

  22. I think they look great! Chocolate macarons are awesome :)

  23. haha macarons. i had a try a few months ago expecting something great since EVERYONE was raving about them. but it didn't turn out the way i imagined it to be... i thought it'd be crunchy! but it was soft and chewy. eww hahahaha

    not going to make them ever (i think)

  24. most impressive, von! i know the flavor possibilities for macarons is endless, but can anything really beat chocolate on chocolate? i think not. :)


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